Hello! No Ripping !

My simple life

Friday, October 22, 2010 '
Day 31- a day for me to spend my money
Makeover time for me and the rest of them! Yesterday me and yi xian have promise each other to wake up early so that we are able to reach the salon as soon as it opens. However, we delay till 1030am and leave. Our plan is to reach the salon by 930am because today is our free and easy day for us to shop and buy souvenirs back to Singapore. Due to our delay, we could not do our hair early and went to shopping mall to shop before noon. Reach the salon with han hui, yi xian, zhen zhao, hao teng and Joanna. I decided to dye and cut my hair and so we proceed to dye and cut my hair. I like the stylist who make my hair because he gave me a lot of advice and I just find him good.   

all of us with our new hair

tada! my new hair
                                             the above two shopping mall are the one that we went 
I like my new hair, because simplicity is the best. Though the hair colour I not really what I want, but I am still satisfied with my new hair. After everyone is done with their new hair, its already noon time and we proceed to have our lunch first before going shopping. After we had our lunch, we decide to try out new place and we went to guang gu instead of the usual bu xing jie that we go.  
Me, together with Joanna, zhen zhao and hao teng took bus 702 to guang gu. On our way, me and zhen zhao fell asleep and luckily, hao teng and Joanna did not fell asleep but they were busy talking to each other, okay enough of this. By the time we arrive at guang gu, it is already late evening because after we had our lunch today we went to draw money and went back hostel to change and plus the bus ride, that is why we arrive late. Went around and shop and we decided to go to shopping mall of guang gu.
                                              one of the beautiful shopping mall in guang gu
I bought quite a number of stuff at guang gu, for myself, family and friends. Well, we have to rush back to the shopping mall at the wal-mart because zhen zhao has to make reservation for our farewell dinner tomorrow. We cab down to the shopping mall and went to the international buffet restaurant. Luckily the restaurant did not close yet and we found the manager and we told him about it and we made the reservation for tomorrow. I really look forward to tomorrow’s farewell dinner because it would be our last mass gathering with the LSCT students and the local students. After settling everything, it’s already 930. Most of the shop have close and we went around to find places to eat. Finally, we found a restaurant that do not close that early.

After our sumptuous dinner, was rather late and we have to go back before 10 as the curfew for us is set at 10. We cab back to hostel. Nevertheless, we enjoy a lot today and our next shopping day will be this Saturday and it will be our last day in Wuhan.

My reflection

Today while we are on the bus on our way to guang gu, I took a picture of a piece of empty land. Why I took that picture? The reason is simple; in Singapore you will not be able to find such a big empty land. Singapore is a small country, we have limited land and most of our land are use to build buildings and even if we have empty land, the empty land will also not be as big as the empty land as compare to china. It is the fact that Singapore is a small country, but a small country has its advantage as well. When going to place to place, we could get there in a shorter time. Whereas in china, we will have to take a longer time. Time is precious and to some people, time means money. It’s important to save time because wherever you are, everyday is still 24 hours. With a smaller population, it is also safer for the country and Singapore proved that. I am not saying china is a unsafe country, is just that our government will be more easier to control the country because there is lesser people to control. Yes sometimes I do grumble that Singapore is really a very humid country, but I learn to see things in general and Singapore is one of the very few country that do not have natural disaster. No matter how big your country is, if your country is unsafe, no one will feel safe. I am very glad that I am born in such a safe country and able to lead live safely without the need to worry about earthquake or flood. I will learn to cherish what I have in Singapore and I hope everyone in Singapore does.  


♥My Profile♥

Nicholas Tong is my name :) Everyone called me Nick
L.o.v.e to eat/sleep/play hard!
24/07/91 is the day i first drop my tears
Currently in Bitter 19th
Leading life happily everyday
Studying In Ngee Ann Poly year 2 currently
This time my trip to wuhan, most probably
-more responsible
-more independent
-more cherish of loves ones
stalk my blog and you will see how nicholas grows up

♥My Cravings♥
Last update:18/12/08
  • Go university !
  • Nudies
  • Happy Family
  • Own a car
  • The other part of my life
  • Eternity Friendship
  • Everything i Crave for to be fufilled

  • ♥Credits♥
    ♥Designer♥: DENNY :)
    ♥Basecode♥: DENNY :)
    ♥Picture♥: DENNY :)

    Music ♫
