Hello! No Ripping !

My simple life

Friday, October 22, 2010 '
Day 34- goodbye my love WUHAN, going back to normal
Time ups. Home sweet home. After 34 days in a foreign country, is time for us to go back to our homeland.  Got up early today and do my last minute packing and checking of things. As I am packing, I really feel sad as I am leaving the room that I have slept for 33 days and also Wuhan. After packing, jia li call us to eat our breakfast because they bought food back from the street behind our hostel. That’s so thoughtful of them because they know most of us are busy packing. Eating the street food for the last time, and I will definitely miss the street food when I am back in Singapore.  It was around 7.30am when most of us were done with the breakfast and everyone, with their luggage gather at the entrance of our hostel.
heavy luggage of everyone

leaving to take the bus
look at all our big fat luggage

The local students accompany us to the airport and we all appreciate it a lot a lot. They prepare small souvenirs for each of us and gave them personally to us before we leave. When we reach the airport, and after unloading the entire luggage, we really can’t bear to leave and so are they. But, still we have to leave and we bid them goodbye and we promise each other that we will still contact each other through the internet. This is part and parcel of our life that we will go through, we must really learn to handle this and not to be too emotional at times though is really sad.
When we were over at the airport, we had around an hour or so to have a light meal before we board the plane, and so most of us decided to go to KFC at the airport to eat.  Even when we are eating our lunch, we sit together and chat together because we want to treasure every moment now. Moreover, we went through thick and thin in these 34 days, this help us to become stronger and a more bonded friendship. However due to time limit, we have to take away because we have got a plane to catch and we went back to our meeting area while we wait for the boarding of the plane. The flight took off at 1.30pm from Wuhan to GuangZhou, during the flight, most of us fell asleep as we are all tired.
we had our lunch together before the flight

Reach guang zhou airport and while waiting for our plane back to Singapore, we shop around the duty free shop to kill time. Some of us are still shopping and buy stuff back for their families and friends. However, some of them take this opportunity to have a short nap. Finally time for us to board the plane back to our homeland, Singapore.
Finally after 4 hours of flight, we reach SINGAPORE. Took some last photos together when we reach the airport and we really will miss each other.
just touch down from the plane

mass photo of us MDE~

my lovely group c that is with me for 5 weeks

On the way back, still thinking of the things that we do and go through in Wuhan. This trip is really a fruitful trip for me and the new friends that I have made, I am really very happy. As for now, everything is back to my normal life, back to leading my life in Singapore and not Wuhan any more.
My reflection

This OIP trip has really helped me a lot. To be honest, I seldom wash clothes myself when I am at home, because most of the washing is done by my mother. However at Wuhan, I have learned to wash my clothes and also learn to take care of myself. The 5 weeks stay in Wuhan has definitely helped me a lot and also allows me to be more independent. The new friends that I have made, we know that we will still meet up despite different course. They have help me and also taken care of me when I am sick.
Of course, not forgetting the place that  we visit in wuhan, the attractions of wuhan like the 3 Gorges Dam, the hu bei museum, the east lake, the yellow crane tower and wudang Shan. These places are the place that we visit during weekend and we really enjoy everyone of them. Thank you so much to the tour guide that brings us around to these attractions. In wuhan, I am able to learn and understand their culture and now, I am understand the history of china more. The food that we ate in wuhan, I will always remember the taste deep in my heart.
By staying and living at a foreign country made me realize how fortunate I am to be living in Singapore. I really do know this time that how bless am I as compare to some of the locals in china. i was too pamper in Singapore and I do not realize what is the living condition of many other people. From today onwards, I will have my eyes big to see how beautiful the world is and cherish everything I have now.

Last but not least, the friends from other MDE courses and the locals are all the new friends that I have made during this trip. The laughter and joy that we share is truly in my mind and my heart. I love every single one of them. All that we go through this 5 weeks will be bury deep in my heart and I have never ever regret my decision to sign up to go to Wuhan initially. I really hope that, in the future we will have the chance to go to Wuhan again together. 5th OIP batch ROCKS~. i am also thankful to mr chia and miss Alicia hock for the guidance during this 5 weeks and taking care of us.
In conclusion, wuhan is truly a wonderful place and I love it so much! We remember all the times we get together. Me Nicholas tong bing rui here, sincerely thank everyone that is in this wuhan trip, if is not for all of your, the air will not be fill with so much joy and laughter.  


♥My Profile♥

Nicholas Tong is my name :) Everyone called me Nick
L.o.v.e to eat/sleep/play hard!
24/07/91 is the day i first drop my tears
Currently in Bitter 19th
Leading life happily everyday
Studying In Ngee Ann Poly year 2 currently
This time my trip to wuhan, most probably
-more responsible
-more independent
-more cherish of loves ones
stalk my blog and you will see how nicholas grows up

♥My Cravings♥
Last update:18/12/08
  • Go university !
  • Nudies
  • Happy Family
  • Own a car
  • The other part of my life
  • Eternity Friendship
  • Everything i Crave for to be fufilled

  • ♥Credits♥
    ♥Designer♥: DENNY :)
    ♥Basecode♥: DENNY :)
    ♥Picture♥: DENNY :)

    Music ♫
